Healed Beyond Hope (HBH)

About Us

Markets, Products and Services:

Injury, stress, and everyday activities can cause muscles to shorten and become imbalanced. We use robotic precision therapy to lengthen muscle tissue to correct these imbalances and decrease tension on the bone structure and nerves. We also finetune the fascial system using special hands-on techniques to "unwind" the adhesions throughout the body. We will work to get you in quickly to address the source of the pain.

We also offer IV Nutrient Therapy, Scotopic Sensitivity Screening (Irlen Screening), Brain Health testing and Brain Health Coaching services. All these services are backed by science but take a natural approach to individual healing.

Mission Statement: 

We were created to build, not maintain! With faith and conviction that there is more to life than the struggles of everyday pain and exhaustion, our goal is to bring fresh energy to communities creatively and effectively by generating a unique and innovative spin to outpatient health care with the essentials of indispensable education and therapeutics to enhance the quality of life within society.

Vision Statement:

Bring your best to life! To generate new and exhilarating livelihood to individuals through modernized specialties and educational training throughout every stage of life producing more fulfillment and satisfaction within the USA.

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